Community Status Updates
snsd.LoVe → lackingmoon
I know it's still the 31st there but just I dropped by to say Happy New year! heard that you've been really busy but I hope you're doing well.
Dec 31 2012 11:34 AM
Thank you, dongsaeng! Yes, I've been busy but in a good way. Happy New Year and best of luck to you, too ^^
Dec 31 2012 06:16 PM
snsd.LoVe → tsumiire
oh sorry bout that! I just realized that my inbox's full. lol but yeah, I've cleared everything so you won't have any troubles sending me a pm anymore. Btw, you're welcome! love the story :D I guess you like YoonSic? do stop by YoonSic's thread to spazz if you feel like it ^^
Oct 25 2011 03:48 AM
tsumiire → snsd.LoVe
hello:) I can't seem to PM u xD
so here's chapter 5
thanks for your comment by the way! :D
Oct 24 2011 04:10 AM
so here's chapter 5
thanks for your comment by the way! :D
lackingmoon → snsd.LoVe
Yoohoo~I cannot p.m you but anyway, I updated Kismet ^^
Sep 05 2011 06:51 AM
lackingmoon → snsd.LoVe
Hey! Thanks dongsaeng. It's not a problem. Good to hear that you're totally into school now and still surviving. I hope you'd kicked those exams in the bum haha Stay YoonSicretive <3
Aug 07 2011 05:48 PM
snsd.LoVe → lackingmoon
Oh and I hope you're recovering well! Take care of yourself :)
Aug 07 2011 02:53 PM
snsd.LoVe → lackingmoon
hey Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry that I forgot. Been so caught up in my exams that I can't remember important stuffs. Sorry >.< I hope you enjoyed your birthday! ttys <3
Aug 07 2011 02:51 PM