Community Status Updates

snsdazzled → Andreas2105
hey. thanks a lot for the add. :)
nice meeting you. ^_^
nice meeting you. ^_^

snsdazzled → Andreas2105
happy birthday!
may you receive more love this year and the upcoming years. :)
may you receive more love this year and the upcoming years. :)

snsdazzled → Andreas2105
hey there! thanks for dropping by my profy. :D nice meeting you. ^_^

Andreas2105 → Nikolas 단디
hallo.. salam kenal jg.. g d Emmen.. kota kecil, yep2 lumayan banyak juga ya SNSD fans d blanda..

Nikolas 단디 → Andreas2105
hai, salam kenal. di belanda juga ya???
gw di eindhoven. asik nambah fans SNSD di belanda^^
gw di eindhoven. asik nambah fans SNSD di belanda^^