Community Status Updates

In a world full of expectations, I feel like I no longer expect anything from myself since others do it for me.

I fear that the end may be approaching soon. Until then, I shall love SNSD sincerely until the end and remember them for many years after.

iiEatBubbles → Raycab
Lol. Ello ^^. "accidentally" saw me on the members list hahaha. I call stalker!!!! (jk). ^^

Just dropping by to say I love your From Me, To You so much! (I accidentally saw your name on the members online list haha)
Feb 03 2014 09:25 AM

iiEatBubbles → okasan9520
Okasan, I couldn't PM you but I decided to drop you the link :)

iiEatBubbles → vhffls
Ah wow... This is embarassing... Yes i am iiEatBubbles from asianfanfics who wrote 'My Lady, My Butler' I really don't know how to use SSF system yet so I only saw your post just now.... Sorry for being really late -bows-

vhffls → iiEatBubbles
Annyeong! ^^ Mind if I ask you if you're also the same iiEatBubbles from AFF? The one who wrote the My Lady, My Butler and Falling For You Again?