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*never looked so good. ;)
Get better, honey. I'll be there tomorrow too, with flowers and something special. :]
Sep 23 2011 08:09 PM


Baby boo is sick. D;
I can't believe I sat outside your door and you sat down on the inside and we talked. For hours. It feels like a picture book to me, you're too perfect that you must be from a picture book.
You were sick and supposed to sleep, but you stayed up, talking to me for hours.
I still came after you told me no I wanted to keep you company.
Boo, we had ...
Sep 23 2011 08:07 PM


Kekeke. I love you, seobang, seriously, I dooo. <3
You know I think your annoying, but no.
You're just lovably annoying, I can't get enough of you.
Thanks for taking me to Kaab and Cafe de Coral, your sweet, like candy.
As a treat, I'm taking you to Pier 88 for dinner, we're eating Peking Duck with my family, you know how much they like you.
Sep 22 2011 10:35 AM


I'm over that since you took care of me the whole day.
I didn't even know that I slept with you when we both got tired from.. stuffs.. I mean VIDEO GAMES.
I'll see you tomorrow~
I'm taking you to Cafe de Coral tomorrow at Tsuen Wan Plaza and for lunch we're going to Baab Korean Dining at the same place. We have time afterwards, so we can go to Panash, your favorite bakery<3
Sep 21 2011 08:18 PM


I hate you, don't drink so much, you can't handle it.
Take some painkillers and chill, seobang.
Just because we're dating doesn't mean that you can push yourself around and get drunk to make me happy, we have different alcohol limits and yours is lower than mine, three bottles can knock you out.
Seobang, get better from your early hangover. <3
Sep 20 2011 02:11 PM


Heii Juhyun ^^
Coowl, u made a SoShified account ^^
How are ya doing? :3
Sep 20 2011 10:24 AM


I don't want to cuddle with an adorable beast like you. </3
I see you sleeping during class, if you don't wake up I'm going to to text you and your phone will ring and you will get in trouble, Seung Juhyun.
I know you set your phone to vibrate when someone send you a comment on soshi, your droid sucks. :P
Yay. Starbucks ! <3
Sep 20 2011 06:19 AM


I don't wanna come oveer, your puppy hates me. D:
Buuut you know, you wanna cuddle with the seobang~
jkjkjkjk. kekeke, alright, alright.
I'll buy you starbucks after class and we'll go to your house afterwards. ;)
Sep 20 2011 03:17 AM


So sorry, but seobang gotta have a trip over.
We need to finish that music theory PROJECT.
not homework, alright?
You can't just keep coming over to play around and use my computer to talk tom my friends, we actually have to do ITTTT.
Sep 20 2011 03:08 AM


I made a soshi for yu, Taehyunnieeeeeee.
> > >
Now I don't have to come over to your house all the time to watch you sleep!
Finish your HW, RiCi, you need good grades to catch up tu me, kay?
Sep 19 2011 08:05 PM