Community Status Updates

go_snsd_go → sunrych
hi ^^ please watch this dance cover of The Boys --> comment and share if u like ! thanks before ^^

Taengdy → sunrych
please like the FB page for our school project. many thanks! :D [:D] and follow us on @Care2DS don't forget to check in to we have to reach 1000 followers for college assignment

vanya93 → sunrych
hi^^ please watch my dance cover of SHINee Sherlock here : thank you so much (^_~)b

Vilicia Yeh → sunrych
kyaaaaaaaaa, i'm envy w/ u..!! >.< he20, bru buka jg koq jd blm ramai pelanggan.. :) ada sih resto korea, tp jauhhh2.. :(

sunrych → Vilicia Yeh
wihh, hebat ney msh muda dh pnya usaha sndiri... ^^ iy ada, aq dah prnah ksna skali, tp tmptnya kurang bgitu bgus... emang di SBY gk ada resto korea ??

Vilicia Yeh → sunrych
Ak dr sby, tp skrg stay d trenggalek jawa timur.. Oppa sndiri org mana? ^_^

Vilicia Yeh
udh g kul, lg sbk bisnis souvenir skrg..
wah asyik, d bali ada resto korea nama nya han il kn?
Mar 13 2012 07:50 AM -
wihh, hebat ney msh muda dh pnya usaha sndiri... ^^
iy ada, aq dah prnah ksna skali, tp tmptnya kurang bgitu bgus...
emang di SBY gk ada resto korea ??
Mar 14 2012 03:30 AM