Community Status Updates

sherryberry66 → lindywong
hey! as my username suggests, i'm sherry. welcome to soshified :]

Ava Bianca → lindywong
Hello Lindy! Nice to meet you too!!! ^^ Call me Ava or Bianca :)

vee → lindywong
It's Vee here, nice to meet you ^_^
~sorry it took me a while to reply T_T~
It's Vee here, nice to meet you ^_^
~sorry it took me a while to reply T_T~

always_yoona_angel → lindywong
Thank you Lindy ;) I hope to see you soon in spazz threads ;)

Brightmellow → lindywong
Hello and welcome Lindy to Soshified! Nice to meet you ;)

beherebynow → lindywong
LOL. This is the first someone asked me that question. As you can see at the end of every thread, there will be a section post like this:
Just click on the box and it will load or you can click USE FULL EDITOR. Write you comment and hit POST, done :D
Just click on the box and it will load or you can click USE FULL EDITOR. Write you comment and hit POST, done :D

lindywong → beherebynow
THANK YOU SO MUCH :D i have a question....& i know it may sound stupid but : where can i start posting? i reeellly want to start posting.....but i hav no idea where to start....ive read the rules about how to post..but not where... :o please HELP....THANKYOU :) uhhh..... hehehehe. ok.....thank you..