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This response is 2 months late, sorry i just saw your post... thank you thank you, it was nice working with everyone :)

Thanks for working on the magazine layout and editing! We couldn't have done without you! It's more beautiful than any one of us expected :D

Yes, i used to like her a lot haha but i have no bias anymore now. Who's yours?
Jan 07 2013 01:47 PM -
I like Hyoyeon the best. She's my bias. Sorry for the late reply. Haven't been on lately.
Jan 14 2013 07:07 PM -

Angelberry66 → TaeYel
Hello, hope you don't mind me posting. Just thought I'd drop by and say hi.

Teishia → TaeYel
Its not bad, getting really dry and cold these few days. Btw whereabouts in pmall do you get soshi goods from? Broadcast?

OOOO ic thanks hehe, but they ran out right? Also do you know anywhere else to get merch? Apart from CD and posters I mean, Im looking for other stuff
Oct 30 2011 02:29 PM -
Btw do you use MSN or soething? This new comment system I cant even tell when you reply or comment and its hard to navigate
Oct 30 2011 02:32 PM

TaeYel → Teishia
lol, that's ok. i sometimes go to pmall to buy soshi goodies, but it's still a little far if i go by bus. how do you like the weather here? it's getting colder.

Teishia → TaeYel
I live around pmall, but unfamilar with places since just moved to Tor a while back haha

Teishia → TaeYel
O wow haha, and just wondering ;P I live around pmall area but since Im new to Tor too so not too familiar haha