Community Status Updates
Taengdy → kyungsoo
please like the FB page for our school project. many thanks! :D [:D] and follow us on @Care2DS don't forget to check in to we have to reach 1000 followers for college assignment
May 16 2012 12:37 AM
kyungsoo → lovely_Yoong
Iyaa haha, btw kamu punya twitter gak? lanjut di twitter aja :D
May 11 2012 06:44 PM
lovely_Yoong → kyungsoo
loh, orang Indo juga ? hahaha waduh, kapan ya ? sekitar oktober thn lalu :p im fine. just hving these final weeks and its killing meee. been absent from this site for about a week, at least until next week :(
May 11 2012 03:17 AM
kyungsoo → lovely_Yoong
Lol okay :D hehehe gapapa kook, btw aku ngirimnya tanggal berapa? .___. how are you btw? :D
May 10 2012 08:25 AM
lovely_Yoong → kyungsoo
that's okay. my fault it is. I didnt get any notif once you were sending me a comment. you asked me whether I'm Indonesian or not. and now, I just wanna answer that :)
May 10 2012 07:08 AM
lovely_Yoong → kyungsoo
Oh my... I just tracked back my profile and I found your comment & I didnt even reply to you. It was looooong time ago :p I dont know whether you remember giving comment to me or not though lol So sorry, I just wanna answer your question, YES, I'M INDONESIA !!! ^^
May 10 2012 04:59 AM