Community Status Updates

mirah sanjiwani → AegyoQueenLover
Nice to meet you too :)
annyeonghaseyo my name is Mirah and you? ow my best friend is a big Sunny fan like you hehe
annyeonghaseyo my name is Mirah and you? ow my best friend is a big Sunny fan like you hehe

ForeverSoshi ♡ → AegyoQueenLover
Nice to meet you too:D
My name is Maribel by the way^^
My name is Maribel by the way^^

AegyoQueenLover → ForeverSoshi ♡
hi there fellow SUNSHINER! =D
nice to meet'yah!
nice to meet'yah!

SunnyBigFans → AegyoQueenLover
annyeong!!! bangabseubnida (^_^)
thanks for add me as your friend. Really excited meet the other SUNSHINER...
btw....tomorrow Sunny Birthday *yeaaaaah!!!
thanks for add me as your friend. Really excited meet the other SUNSHINER...
btw....tomorrow Sunny Birthday *yeaaaaah!!!

써니~♥ → AegyoQueenLover
Hi! Hehe, you're the 1st to add me as a friend. I feel special *o* kkk~

teebee → AegyoQueenLover
Nice to meet you too!!! Have a nice day! see you around! =D