Community Status Updates

rien cute9
welcome 2013.... happy new year sones ^^ soshi comeback soshi daebak.... sones soshi hwaiiting ;-)

rien cute9 → Fany
happy new year taeyeon jessica tiffany sunny yuri hyoyeon sooyoung seohyun yoona @GirlsGeneration i always love you all hehe ^^

rien cute9 → Fany
I hope SNSD come to Indonesia again..... soshi n sones fightiiiiing ^.^

rien cute9
jamuran iki acc hahaha...gue jarang bener maen kesini semenjak kenal twitter -,-

rien cute9 → Ziah_S
hahaha... ud temenan kan saeng di twett :-) gilaaa ud lama buanget kagak maen kesini gue #jleb

rien cute9
kyaaaaa gue dah lama kagak kesini...uwooooo jamuran nie acc gue #gubraaakkk

Taengdy → rien cute9
please like the FB page for our school project. many thanks! :D [:D] and follow us on @Care2DS don't forget to check in to we have to reach 1000 followers for college assignment

vanya93 → rien cute9
hi^^ please watch my dance cover of SHINee Sherlock here : thank you so much (^_~)b