Community Status Updates

White Mudkip → maiiiWORLD
Thanks for the add! Looking forward to getting to know you. :]

White Mudkip → maiiiWORLD
Hello! Thanks for the add! Looking forward to meeting you. :]

White Mudkip → Pee wee
It's not Monday yet! For me at will be in 10 minutes though! :] Then I can wish Sica-noona a happy birthday. xD

Pee wee → White Mudkip
lol,but right now we should erase that and celebrate Sica's b-day 8)

White Mudkip → Pee wee
Wow...he's definitely out of his mind. Even though us SONEs weren't there, there will be thousands of others that will flock to protect Taeyeon. SNSD fighting! :]

Pee wee → White Mudkip
yeah that guy scared me >:(
he's gonna be beat up by sones around lol
i saw that his purpose was to prupose or something to taeyeon O_O he's obviously out of his mind!!and legendary sunkyu stop him ^^
he's gonna be beat up by sones around lol
i saw that his purpose was to prupose or something to taeyeon O_O he's obviously out of his mind!!and legendary sunkyu stop him ^^

White Mudkip → Pee wee
OMFG. I DID. THAT SON OF A ***** IS GOING TO GET IT. AARG, if I was there, I would have jumped onto the stage and beat the living daylights out of him. >:[

Pee wee → White Mudkip
hahaha my jaw fell when i first saw it!!
have you heard about the accident about taengoo? O__O
have you heard about the accident about taengoo? O__O

White Mudkip → Pee wee
Omg, don't get me started on that. I went crazy after I saw the Japanese RDR MV. My brain just exploded after that. xD

Pee wee → White Mudkip
i know!!~ after the rdr Japanese. we will go crazy for lol xD

White Mudkip → Pee wee
Probably. It'll take a while though but I really hope they do! Gah, what an amazing song. *____*

Pee wee → White Mudkip
yeah i heard it too its really catchy !!~i love it!!
do you think they will release a music vid.??
do you think they will release a music vid.??

White Mudkip → Pee wee
Indeed! They finally came out with the HQ and LONG version of the song! What a catchy tune. :]

Pee wee → White Mudkip
i know but they still wont hahaha
but im soo excited when i heaard the audio of 1 min in length O__O its awesome\1
but im soo excited when i heaard the audio of 1 min in length O__O its awesome\1