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JTSJ dear~ hello!~ ^.^ still busy huh? Hahahaha. Ive missed you. It's getting kinda lonely at our pink stronghold without you. It's been bricked and thrown with eggs for your long absence. The readers demanded for an update yo!! Including meeeee~ hahahaha. I hope everything is okay and goes well with you. Come back to us with and update sometime soon okies dear?. We need those cookies that readers will throw at you for an update,we can stock 'em!! Haha. <3...
May 21 2012 01:13 AM
  • JTSJ's Photo
    Lol, I'm hiding from soshified because I'm ashamed about not updating. Butttttttttt I'm working on the next one already, I promise! Here's hoping that the next chapter's up soon. :) And thanks! I hope everything's going great with you too! Defend the stronghold with everything you've got meanwhile!
    Jun 05 2012 07:22 AM