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omg where did you go? lol totally still waiting for your update and stuff
Mar 25 2012 06:18 AM
  • IheartmyBOO-THANG's Photo
    D'awww!! You're like the only reader that realizes I'm kind of dead, lol. I feel like it's appropriate to stay I missed you, lmfao. First and foremost, I feel like I owe you (all my readers actually) an apology; so sorry! D: I've been trying to write for the longest time. Everytime an idea hits me, it's usually at some ungodly time during the night - like 3AM. I'm kind of categorized under writer's block/busy/lazy... ):
    May 03 2012 11:06 PM
  • KougraJetGel's Photo
    i'm still kinda waiting for it man lol. i still waiting for your update on how hyoyoung togetther and yoonyul. i think yoonyul will take very long since gyulyul is still quite strong no. But jeti date with yoogeun is cute. UPDATE SOON PLEASE PLEASE i beg you to
    Oct 17 2012 10:19 PM