Community Status Updates

MasterSoshii → TrueSNSDFan
Thanks for your fanaccount! Because of that, I got to see the true faces of SNSD's members through your emotional writing! I hope you are more active by now!

Would like to talk with you a lot about the girls through PM!
I am a boy btw!
Aug 14 2013 08:05 AM

jbenvenga → TrueSNSDFan
lol harro! sorry, i've been in florida for the past week. trying to leave right now, but the plane got delayed for another hour T_T
have you heard of this group called "SNSD"? they're pretty cool ;)
have you heard of this group called "SNSD"? they're pretty cool ;)

elliott44k → TrueSNSDFan
Thanks man, sorry I didn't see the comment till today, don't know how I missed it.

TrueSNSDFan → tatodk
Econ wasn't so hot lol, I did well on the chem thankfully (62 avg, I got an 82), and thats it so far. I have a chemlab midterm after break

tatodk → TrueSNSDFan
Could have been better. I didn't have much though, more after break. What about yourself?


tatodk → TrueSNSDFan
Yep! Maybe we'll see each other at a DC meetup if I decide to go to one :D
I'm a junior now. I'm assuming you're a freshman based on your birthday?
I'm a junior now. I'm assuming you're a freshman based on your birthday?

TrueSNSDFan → tatodk
Hey! lol sorry, I just saw your comment on that DC area thread...
YOU GO TO CP?!?!? lol gotta meetup sometime
YOU GO TO CP?!?!? lol gotta meetup sometime