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I find it amusing that I'm the maknae at my workplace. >_< In fact, I'm too young for their standards! rofl!
Jun 25 2012 09:19 AM
  • ForeverIcePrincess's Photo
    Aren't you only 21? Whoa you already have a job? What type of job is it? something to do with medical stuffs?
    hmmmm your too young for their standards... i wonder what job you have.
    lol it is kinda funny that your the youngest there and here your closer to the older end.
    Jul 01 2012 03:38 PM
  • janeycookie's Photo
    Yes, I'm only 21 and yes, I have a job already...just got it a month ago. It's a medical stuff related to the hospital. So take a smart guess at what it is. Most of the people at my workplace are well in their late twenties and majority are married and have kids. I might be closer to the older end here in ssf but I do look younger than most people my age. People often mistake me for a high school kid whenever I'm not sporting my duty uniform. rofl!
    Jul 02 2012 04:21 AM