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  • seotae♫'s Photo
    @Ryu: Ah i see. I was just checking if you have already seen that vid. Out of curiosity, What happened when the topic was brought up? I just knew and found about that today. Pretty late -.-
    Feb 27 2012 01:20 AM
  • Emperor Ryu's Photo
    Emperor Ryu
    Well, at first there were mostly disagreeing comments towards the youngsters, by others. There is a thread covering this, where you can see what I mean. For me, it was a half-empty/half-full point of view from them. Overall, they are still learning about our world. Since half of them like and support K-Pop, I'm pretty sure the others will like it too, as they all will grow older and wiser.
    Feb 27 2012 01:35 AM