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SoNyuhShi Daelover → joreen marienet
Just as it it's Key Birthday I hope yours is just as JJang and awesome as SHINee and SNSD Combined ^_^

snsdazzled → joreen marienet
happy birthday!
may you receive more love this year and the upcoming years. :)
may you receive more love this year and the upcoming years. :)

BJKwon → joreen marienet
Happy Birthday! We Share the same special day...nice 2 meet u! wah we're the same age!

Cucumber → joreen marienet
lol >< I still can't see why cucumbers so cute... anyways~ >< Welcome~~!! >< hope you don't suddenly disappear and forget about the girls ><
Sica is Jjang! >< lol
Sica is Jjang! >< lol

yultaenggu → joreen marienet
I'm from Philippines and Spain. Yeah, two nationality, so two countries. rofl :D Currently in the Philippines :)

crocodile. → joreen marienet
hello fellow SONE. I'm just informing you to credit the gif icons and that blinkie banner that are currenlty in your profile. The people who made those worked really hard on them, and to give thanks for their amazing graphics and using them, we should always credit. :)and pls. credit that profile pic that you have. To credit: Simply just put who made it at the bottom of the graphic that u r using.

FishyFyo → joreen marienet
Where do u come from Joreen? And who's ur fav pairing?
I've been a SNSD fan for almost 1 year, xD and become a Sica's fan for half a year I like her from December 2009 ^^ Hbu?
I've been a SNSD fan for almost 1 year, xD and become a Sica's fan for half a year I like her from December 2009 ^^ Hbu?