Community Status Updates

Wall is open to fic prompts (one-shots only) ! Feel free to post requests. ^___^

Currently unemployed so I'll resort to writing again just to keep myself sane.

ghei → ninjawes
Hi there. you don't know me but your Wisteria is literally the best fanfic I have ever, in my entire life, ever read. I seriously am very lucky to have found your fic though I declared that I was officially dead because of the ending but only a handpicked few could really make a devastating ending like that and leave me scarred for the rest of my life. I actually read the fic years back when I felt like a fetus and everything was fascinating to me even the most stupid fanfics but yours re...

hello, thank you for all the compliments but I don't think that the story's that great. I cringe everytime I read it again hahaha. I'm glad that you liked it! Thanks for dropping by :) (i can't read your whole post though)
May 01 2014 11:56 AM

gonna update all fics once my laptop is fixed. i promise. i'll make it up to all my readers and friends.

Koozaza → ninjawes
New Generation of the Dead is up. Couldn't get you in the mass pm.

cool! you should teach me sometime haha. basic chinese at spanish yung kinuha ko for my electives eh :))
Mar 18 2012 05:08 AM -

I♥JungSooyeon → ninjawes
CHAPTER 18 WEDDING DRESS 2nd to the last chapter... hope you can finish this fic ^^;

Koozaza → ninjawes
Hey, couldn't pm you. New Generation of the Dead is up.