Community Status Updates

Faith Garcia → andylim22
Happy Happy Birthday! May this year be your best ever.

ivink → andylim22
Wahahaaa ya you're right!!
they got No.1 again!! i know i know it'll be them! :D
hope that they can make another Hoot Legend^^
and so,do your tweet get chosen?? xP
they got No.1 again!! i know i know it'll be them! :D
hope that they can make another Hoot Legend^^
and so,do your tweet get chosen?? xP

andylim22 → ivink
yes ivink! holidays? good for you im having my intern :(
yes our 9 angels are doing well!! tomorrow its their turn to get no.1 again at musicbank!! i'm confident that they will win :P and i hope i get chosen (my tweet xD)
well seems that a lot of ppl are updating u so that's the updates... no need to repeat hahahahahaa
yes our 9 angels are doing well!! tomorrow its their turn to get no.1 again at musicbank!! i'm confident that they will win :P and i hope i get chosen (my tweet xD)
well seems that a lot of ppl are updating u so that's the updates... no need to repeat hahahahahaa

ivink → andylim22
Soo sorry for the long hiatus, but now, I'm back, alive LOL!
I just ended my study week and exam week, and going to start my holiday^^
So hows life so far?? I'm sure our 9 angels doing good dont they?? update me please :DD
Soo sorry for the long hiatus, but now, I'm back, alive LOL!
I just ended my study week and exam week, and going to start my holiday^^
So hows life so far?? I'm sure our 9 angels doing good dont they?? update me please :DD

andylim22 → ivink
LoL, I don't know who is that... i wouldn't have two accounts... no time for it HAHAHA
u have msn? "SONE chat room" LOL
u have msn? "SONE chat room" LOL

ivink → andylim22
err really..??
there was two anly lim added me during the day. one was you. and i thought the other was you too,LOL!
there was two anly lim added me during the day. one was you. and i thought the other was you too,LOL!