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taeyeon star fanCarlaFany

Ran belongs to Shinichi :\
Thief of <3, I guess you have a point though xD
Did you know that Kaito Kid has his own manga and it came b4 Detective Conan???
and yes, Gin & Vodka are just awesome :D
Jan 01 2011 08:42 AM

CarlaFanytaeyeon star fan

Yeaaahh~ Kaito is a thief of hearts~
Who wouldn't fall for him? Hahahaha :D
I love it when Kaito flirts with Ran and then Conan will see them..
and act innocent XD
Oooh! Black Organization? Gin & Vodka is awesome :DD
Dec 29 2010 01:46 AM

taeyeon star fanCarlaFany

I like ShinichiXRan too xD
Kid is somewhat a player since he has so many fangirls (my opinion xD)
He kinda annoys me cuz he manages to escape from Conan every time (just like Conan :D) and he also kinda flirts with Ran even though Kaito has another girl for him
My favorite character is the Black Organization they just make everything more exciting :D
Dec 28 2010 03:10 PM

CarlaFanytaeyeon star fan

it's so nice to see some people here likes/loves conan~!
my favorite character is Kaito Kid~ the phantom thief :D
and pairing ShinichixRan and ConanxHaibara~
how about you? :))
Dec 28 2010 02:10 PM

taeyeon star fanCarlaFany

I'm a conan fan too!!!~ xD what's your favorite pairing and character in the manga/anime??? :D
Dec 28 2010 07:23 AM


Haha...sleep for the whole day...I would like to try that once^^
My family invited a bunch of people and had kind of a party in our house-0-it was okay but noisy-0-I kind of decided not to like Christmas after yesterday=p
Dec 26 2010 04:30 AM


Unnie Merry Christmas~
Dec 25 2010 07:55 PM


Yesterday was Christmas, and I was sleeping the whole day :O I don't really enjoy Christmas.. so yeah. hehe. How about you?
Dec 25 2010 07:35 PM


I think there was one case on christmas day actually=p..but it was kind of sweet cos shinichi gave ran a present^^
Same here-0-not doing anything much apart from eating and sleeping=p..I need to lose weight><
how was your christmas day then?!did you do anything fun?!=p
Dec 25 2010 04:32 PM


Haha~ Has there any Detective Conan chapter that it's Christmas and someone had been murdered? That would be scary XD I'm not doing anything except eating a lot.. haha~ how about you?
Dec 24 2010 04:39 AM


happy Christmas to you as well^^don't read any conan on Christmas day=p...it would be quite scary reading murders thing^^
are you doing anything special during Christmas?!
Dec 24 2010 03:14 AM


Yeah! When I searched for some manga online of Detective Conan, I was like, "Ohhh man, when will I finish this all?!" So yeah, I start reading last night and I have read 4 chapters already~ 700 chapters left! T_T
anyway, Merry Christmas to you <3~
Dec 23 2010 09:11 PM


True... There are like more than 700 chapters-0-but still!!!=p..I started reading conan when I was in year 3 so...got used to it=p...vol 41-43 are the best if you are planning to read it by any chance=p...I'm such a geek^^
Dec 23 2010 07:21 AM


omg, I forgot to credit you!
sorry sorry~~
mianhe ^___^v
Dec 23 2010 03:06 AM


lolss the post below has a typo on my username, sorry haha
Dec 23 2010 01:48 AM