taeyeon star fan
Member Since 07 Jun 2010Offline Last Active Private
Finished with my fic I've been working on it for week!~ :D *proud of myself*
Updated 10 Jan · 1 comments
About Me
Some things I'm famous for:
Some Things I Know About someone named Taeyeon Star Fan:
- Having a 5-second attention span (according to my mom Crazy Bunny)
- Eating FOOD and my friends that I'm still skinny (Korean cuisine and soup's the best
- Using large vocabulary words that ppl don't use when I'm talking to other ppl (I don't see it but other ppl say that)
- I like to relax so I can be
lazyslow - For reading books
- Being short
and the maknae of my friends
- Having aegyo??? idk my friends said that I do it naturally ^.^;;
Some Things I Know About someone named Taeyeon Star Fan:
- She loves to eat meat
- she's a computer addict
- she's addicted to soshified and likes fanfics and artworks involved with anime-ish stuff
- she's in LOVE with Jouzee's and animec's artwork (gotta love the chibi and the anime-ish stuff :3)
- I can fly!~ (I can't, I can do something called jumping though
- She laksdjgla;ksjdg;lasjd loves HaeSica and supergeneration
- She loves her family (Hi, Mom [Crazy Bunny], Grandma [Min Min Kim], Daughter [iChu], and grandaughter (Julia))
- Her <3 r8 goes crazy when she sees Dong Hae cuz he's good looking like that
- She HATES ANTIS so she's basically an anti anti
- She is the person who goes like, "B2st FTW!~
" and "SNSD FTW!~" and "K-POP FTW!~
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 250
- Profile Views 6051
- Member Title SoshiStruck
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday October 18
Maryland, Ellicott
Listen to SNSD music to kill some time, gmail, writing, reading books and watch TV :)
Favorite SoShi Member
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