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BeYond9dREams → cinna_minn
Dear Girlfriend,
I miss you...that is all
Love, Me
I miss you...that is all
Love, Me

cinna_minn → Noble
lol how does that sound like a pick up line? =P, yeahh the video was cool xP

Noble → cinna_minn
LOL That sounded like a pick up line =P
You are officially the second person Ive met to have the same birthday
I woke up to the announcement of The Boys MV so Im still spazzing atm.
You are officially the second person Ive met to have the same birthday
I woke up to the announcement of The Boys MV so Im still spazzing atm.

cinna_minn → Noble
heyy, thanks for visiting my page (: LOL my bday is the same day, and my fav. soshi member is tiffany too xD. whatsupp

cinna_minn → BeYond9dREams
I will see you later on tonight (: I'll call you from my friends phone

BeYond9dREams → cinna_minn
hahahahaha whatever you say~(; i know what i see *-*

BeYond9dREams → cinna_minn
you're really hot, but just in denial...and i'm really happy to have such an amazing girlfriend like you~ i love you lots~

Mellerz → cinna_minn
Hey, just wanted to let you know that I couldn't send you any PM's so I stopped by personally to let you know that a new short trailer is up for the fanfic PLUS a poll so check it out!