Community Status Updates

cinna_minn → xella08x
heyy heyy!!! I can't wait for the next update!! I hope I'm on when you post the next chapter but i might have a violin lesson at the time you do T.T..i wanna get first this time!~ >.<
i am determined to post first!!!! lol anyways, hwaiting!~
btw, your filipino right because you were born there?! lol
I am too,
i am determined to post first!!!! lol anyways, hwaiting!~
btw, your filipino right because you were born there?! lol
I am too,

NatFany14 → cinna_minn
yo~ thanks for the reply on my ff i really appreciate it

xella08x → cinna_minn
hello! i already updated the WGM-jessica fanfic. chap 2 is out. :) i dont know how to make a PM list. so i'll just leave a comment.