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jjooyeon → Unlimited
J would do! :) I don't like being called unnie, it makes me sound older than I already am :)

Unlimited → dangpearl
You can call me Lim, Jessica, or pick a nick name for me! I don't mind at all. Just try not to call me Jessica in my fanfic, or it'll confuse me and everyone! That's okay! I appreciate that you're taking the time to read it ^_^

Unlimited → jjooyeon
Hehe. J-unnie? Or maybe just J or unnie? Haha, it's up to you!

dangpearl → Unlimited
nice to meet you jessica right? i think i should call you lim if you want me too. anyways sorry for not leaving a comment on your fanfic i've been so busy but your fanfic always makes my day! I really love how you write it .. (: anyways who's your favorite member?

jjooyeon → Unlimited
Yay, I'm just twenteen :)) Hahaha. I'm Joyce, sometimes I'm known as J, but here, you can call me by my username.. Your choice :)

Unlimited → jjooyeon
Hello unnie! I shall call you unnie since I do not know your name! :] Thank you, thank you. :D I'll continue to do my best! And you're not old at all~

jjooyeon → Unlimited
Hey Jessica! Thank you for the add! For someone so young (yeah, I consider myself old already, hahaha!), you write very well. :) You can call me unnie if you want :) God bless!

dangpearl → Unlimited
hi i'm pearl!
thanks for visiting.
i hope we can be good friends (:
thanks for visiting.
i hope we can be good friends (:

Crossed → Unlimited
I really hope you're in the same MESA division as me so I can finally meet another ssf member! :D