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Lol unnie.
It's alright. I fangirl cad unnie's stuff too but shh~ don't tell her. I don't want to inflate her ego^^
Hehe. Invite me to your "parties". If they're strange then I can just run away :P
Aug 05 2011 06:52 PM


*pouts* I need someone to bounce ideas off of
Aug 05 2011 06:51 PM
  • iluvtaeny's Photo
    stop pouting... =P *pinches ur cheek*
    Aug 06 2011 12:18 AM
  • Ink.D's Photo
    lolll i'm always online :x

    Aug 10 2011 09:27 PM


Hi! I'm sorry about my belated answer...T___T
I've been so busy at work! :(
HAhha Naahh.. My wife knows that I go all fangirl whenever I read your FFs. In fact, I become a fangirl when I read hers as well! hahaa xDDD She's my 2nd fav on the list!
I hope you come to "our special parties" sometime! hahah xDD They're great, aren't they dear *looks at the lovely person below her*????
Aug 05 2011 12:07 PM


ah a breakthrough~
Aug 04 2011 06:47 PM


Is working through writers block~ *looking for a breakthrough*
Jul 31 2011 10:15 PM


back from a bath! *ah~~~* LOL
did i just saw the word UPDATE?!
omg that would probably brighten my otherwise gloomy life...... =D
yes yes pls take more care of urself! unnie has a poor heart LOL.... so rest more *and write ur fics*
(evil) but sincerely i wish u to get well soon! ^^
Jul 31 2011 09:47 PM


well thats good. Wouldn't want you stressed or anything ^^
Hopefully nothing stresses you out any time soon, cuz if it does, I suppose I'll have to update to make sure you feel better ^^
Jul 31 2011 09:30 PM


it happened last weekend when i was moving out my dorm and going backwards down the stairs *stupid having to move out for only 3 weeks -__- *
It's better now and I thankfully am going to be off the crutches tomorrow since it was only a light sprain ^^
I'll be more careful in the future unnie. I promise :D
Jul 31 2011 09:22 PM


*oops adding on since i haven really answer ur qns*
im RATHER fine... not dead from the overwhelming assignments and other commitments just yet... hahaha... O.o
Jul 31 2011 09:17 PM


OMG sprained ankle?! wad happened?! *in paranoid mode*
gah.... i hope its better tho! do be more prudent next time! dun be like fany =P
Jul 31 2011 09:14 PM


Rofl. Composure, huh? Do you really have any unnie?
And I'm your fav writer? It's an honor then, but what about your wifey? She'll be mad *looks out for other unnie*
And your 'parties' sound strange unnie...you two's convo is even stranger *nods wisely*
Jul 31 2011 09:14 PM


Lol Unnie. Why are you staking claim? I'm not a piece of meat >_<
I'm doing fine unnie (except for my sprained ankle), but how about you?
Rofl *laughs at your jealousy*
Jul 31 2011 09:11 PM


ESHA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! *here to stake claim on my fav dongsaeng* =P
how's everything?! im sure u're doing just as fine as you've always been! i hope! ^^
do miss me! now im jealous *pouts*
Jul 31 2011 08:01 PM


...will be very welcome to come to our "parties" LOL xD
They're a lot of fun, so I really hope you drop by some day xDDxDDD ^.^
See you ^,^
Jul 30 2011 04:44 PM


WiiiiWiii!!!!! *hyper mode on*
I'm friends with you at last!!!
I'm so happy!!! ^.^
My favourite writer is MY friend now!
Wait a minute...I'm not behaving as a dongsaeng...mmm...I should keep my composure....hahahhah xDDD LOL I don't care! xD
Well, thx for accepting my "request".
Now, you...
Jul 30 2011 04:42 PM