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Sometimes I wonder why I'm alive.. Then again.. It's not like I'll ever get my answer.

Anjel → riara
LOL Its fine. I've had stalkers before. I don't care. ^-^ But yeah. Please support my works. Gamsahamnida!

riara → Anjel
Oh,even if you don't said..I will. It's my habit to stalk your, oh is that sounds creepy? haha...expect me to appear there soon! xD

Anjel → riara
You could always stalk my new collection. It has 5 JeTi drabbles and 7 one shots planned. I already wrote one of the JeTi one shots but I haven't posted it. And I have a jeti drabble up ^_^

CrazyYul → Anjel
yes it is, annd im excited with sem break now than before >.<
now i realize how sem-break is important xd
yes they say well after this year my college year will be more fun than this year shope so
eii ur a girl i think kekeke ^^,
*wanna know?**
yes for now, before i am a yunyul shipper then i ship with yulsic kekeke
now i realize how sem-break is important xd
yes they say well after this year my college year will be more fun than this year shope so
eii ur a girl i think kekeke ^^,
*wanna know?**
yes for now, before i am a yunyul shipper then i ship with yulsic kekeke

Anjel → CrazyYul
LOL! Yes, I know how college can be stressful but it's needed. So, be patient with it. First year college. Wow. It's certainly very tiring, isn't it? LOL! Yes, seriously. I don't normally divulge my gender so I leave readers/writers/friends alike to guess it. Some calls me 'unnie'. Some 'hyung'. Some 'thing'. So, you're a Royal Shipper?

CrazyYul → Anjel
from school you know being a college student is not easy >.<
i am a 1st year college ^^,
waee? hahaha seriously?
so i wud decide if ur going to be a g or a b? hahaha ^^,
i am a 1st year college ^^,
waee? hahaha seriously?
so i wud decide if ur going to be a g or a b? hahaha ^^,

Anjel → CrazyYul
Stressed and pagod?
From what?
Are you a student?
As for me being a g or b, I'll leave that up to you. ^-^
From what?
Are you a student?
As for me being a g or b, I'll leave that up to you. ^-^

CrazyYul → Anjel
im bit fine, **sighed**
masyadong pressured at pagod >.<
Anjel? g or b?
masyadong pressured at pagod >.<
Anjel? g or b?