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milanocookies → wabbitkr
woah! your chin chin guide is awesome! thanks for taking the time to make it.
Aug 30 2009 01:06 PM
ayeekl → wabbitkr
you rock! :D
thanks so much chingu!
ahh i was disppointed, i thought bora was on every night. but yeah thanks again! :D
Aug 30 2009 03:54 AM
thanks so much chingu!
ahh i was disppointed, i thought bora was on every night. but yeah thanks again! :D
byzantine1010 → wabbitkr
hey bro sorry i just saw your comment right now. lol i did manage to solve it by random ahah. thank you ohhh so much for helping and posting up the guide(:
Aug 29 2009 08:43 AM
wabbitkr → byzantine1010
If you haven't got Korean Windows, all the Korean characters will show up as question marks. The easiest solution is to use Applocale. I think you can get the same result by changing the unicode language to Korean, but I prefer Applocale since you can use it for specific programs only
Aug 28 2009 01:10 PM
byzantine1010 → wabbitkr
hello there(: ive been reading your chin chin guide and i want to say thank you so much for putting it up. tho theres one problem. my player has the korean characters in question marks. iono why.. can u help me regarding this matter? thanks(:
Aug 28 2009 05:53 AM
Katsuge → wabbitkr
i have tried some korean proxies but they all failed me T.T oh well.
Aug 26 2009 05:27 PM
wabbitkr → Katsuge
You basically need to find some Korean proxies (socks5 or https ones) from the Internet, and plug those into Proxifier. Then you just run Proxifier and then open Afreeca.
Aug 26 2009 01:33 PM
Katsuge → wabbitkr
you mean like using proxifier only? i dunno how to get it working w/o torr =/
Aug 25 2009 05:18 PM
wabbitkr → Katsuge
I can't see Tor being usable in the short term at this moment. And I can't say if it will ever be usable again. You can still use socks5 and https proxies to get it working though.
Aug 25 2009 08:52 AM
Katsuge → wabbitkr
hey et i was wondering if u solved the problem using torr already ;)
Aug 25 2009 08:03 AM
wabbitkr → topizzcool
As far as I can tell, the message tab doesn't actually do much. Or at least, you can't post messages to the live Chin Chin message board (i.e. the one Taengoo reads messages from during the show), unless you are a resident in Korea
Aug 25 2009 06:11 AM
topizzcool → wabbitkr
hey etkarak on the imbc player wat is the message tab for?
Aug 25 2009 05:08 AM