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NicoMaverick → wabbitkr
We're all thankful for this wonderful guide!! But I have a question, where do you get the schedule? That way, even if you won't be able to update, the others will still be able to listen. Thanks again!
Oct 06 2009 05:40 AM
co121e → wabbitkr
you rock! thank you for such an insightful guide on how chinchin!
Oct 04 2009 12:07 AM
TheAmbition → wabbitkr
hey thx for the chin chin guide but i have a problem, after i log into the mini player, it does show up. the icon just appears in the bottom right corner but the program itself doesn't open, nor can i click on the icon to open it. help plz! once again thx for the guide!
Sep 28 2009 05:09 PM
raYsKYee → wabbitkr
hey, etkarak! knowing that your a great IU fan, would you mind helping me with: ? I really need more info on her musical career. *particularly her covers of other song; and her duets with other singers etc.* as well as her biography. Any help would be great!
Sep 18 2009 07:22 PM
jool → wabbitkr
wow thx a lot for the chin chin guide !
especially for the bora
thx kpoprabbit!
Sep 15 2009 09:21 AM
especially for the bora
thx kpoprabbit!
herolegion → wabbitkr
haha sure.. But even if you can make a circuit, you can't choose the server by yourself, so there would be time outs and so on too, but multiple retrying would do the trick, I guess.
Sep 06 2009 05:46 PM
wabbitkr → herolegion
Woah, sounds like you made an awesome discovery there.
I'm on holiday in Hong Kong right now, and don't particularly have much time or the right Internet connection to check this, but will definitely try it if I get the chance.
I hope you don't mind if I share this information with Solin, he will definitely be super happy.
Sep 06 2009 07:42 AM
I'm on holiday in Hong Kong right now, and don't particularly have much time or the right Internet connection to check this, but will definitely try it if I get the chance.
I hope you don't mind if I share this information with Solin, he will definitely be super happy.
herolegion → wabbitkr
got any luck getting Tor to work? turns out you can restrict exit nodes to a particular country, by doing
ExitNodes {KR}
StrictExitNodes 1
at least that's what made me able to use afreeca. :)
Chin Chin guide is awesome by the way :D
Sep 04 2009 10:26 PM
ExitNodes {KR}
StrictExitNodes 1
at least that's what made me able to use afreeca. :)
Chin Chin guide is awesome by the way :D
kohilist → wabbitkr
awesome collection! thanks for your friendliness on the chinchin live-stream!
Sep 01 2009 04:49 AM
topizzcool → wabbitkr
umm on tvants wat channel will kbs be cuz there are a lot of kbs and i dont know which one it is
Aug 31 2009 04:06 PM
wabbitkr → topizzcool
You could either use TV Ants or the KBS Able links: Of course, the best quality is using Afreeca, but that requires some explaining. And right now, because the method that we used to use is not working, it also requires a bit more time to setup
Aug 31 2009 03:21 PM