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just wanna tell you that i love your songs and your voice. i've been listening to it for husdreds of time now. ^^
Feb 23 2011 01:56 PM


So StarBun collab # 3 will be a duet song. Please anticipate. :D
Feb 21 2011 08:32 PM


TaeNy versions of Perfect Two and Fallin' For You are a success! StarBun collab # 3, anyone? :D
Feb 21 2011 05:29 AM
  • KEii's Photo
    YES PLEASE? LOL uhm... i ain't a stalker.. just happened to visit your profile lol XD but yeah, GOOD JOB ON THE SONGS D00D! 8)
    Feb 21 2011 05:47 AM


:) annyeong! you and siopao could become great artists.. hope to hear more starbun collabs.. hwaiting!!
Feb 21 2011 05:26 AM


currently working with Siopao on a song response in Taeyeon's POV
Feb 19 2011 06:37 AM


LOL what can I say? I'm an ambitious person...NOT. In fact, I am so lazy and cruising the trajectory of life that it should be a crime. That said, I'll wait till I've written every chapter before posting one to fine tune it. That way it won't be a disaster rofl
Feb 14 2011 11:41 AM


the story you want to write is, let me say, a little ambitious, BUT i know you can pull it off. i have no doubt in that. judging by how you carried out KE, i know you'll do great with TSB. i am expecting to be blown away POM. BLOW MY FREAKING MIND AWAY!
Feb 14 2011 04:53 AM


Ahhhh, my mind is going crazy about 'The Space Between'. I want to incorporate a whirlwind of things, as well twists! I won't share them with you or answer your 'rude' - seriously, it wasn't rude to ask, as what I gathered from it was insatiable curiosity, lol - but ahh I just needed to get that off my chest. Back to brainstorming~
Feb 14 2011 03:38 AM


lol your grammar is fine as long as i can understand it. XD whoa 30 chapters? 30 chapters of epic office craziness is just awesome. anyway, i am tempted to ask on how 'the space between' would end, since you said that you already have the ending, but i wont cause it would be rude. lol.
Feb 09 2011 05:37 AM


which will be** omg T_T excuse my poor grammar. I am teh grammar nazi
Feb 09 2011 12:51 AM


I actually don't know how the story will go, to be honest. I only know the ending, the questions Jessica will ask and vice versa, and probably the reception I'll get. I'm thinking of getting a grasp on it once KE is finished, will be be...not anytime soon LOL. Hoping for KE to be 30 chapters, but I doubt I can stretch it that long.
Feb 08 2011 09:20 PM


not really scary, more of intriguing. i have a soft spot for psychological stories and i totally googled 'Atonement' and tried to tie the plot with Arkham Asylum. there are so many possibilities, lol. but i'm really excited on how the story would go. :D
Feb 08 2011 06:17 AM


Hahahaha. I'm not really a gamer >_> When I say that, gamer in my dictionary means full hardcore raging at the computer/PS3 when you die. COD is exempt of that, though - who doesn't throw a Tiffany b1tch fit in that? Haha. And, is the new story really that scary? Damn, I wasn't aiming for that reaction LOL
Feb 07 2011 09:41 PM


i played cod4:modern warfare and let's just say that it kinda ruined my college life. lol. it was so addicting. yeah, online play is intense but fun especially when you get to meet new people as you knife them down or shoot their heads off. XD
Jan 24 2011 09:20 AM


Omg same! COD is so fun, although I haven't played the latest Black Ops one, only the one before it. Nonetheless, the multiplayer IS fun! I've never played online though - methinks its intense online, with all those nerds and stuff.
You remembered POM hehe :3
Jan 24 2011 09:16 AM