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Waaaa really ??? I'm struggling here DX majorly. Save me dongsaeng DX hehe On the other, hand my collection has grown majorly I'm really happy. And it all started with the Oh! Album hehe <3
Jun 16 2011 05:07 PM


yeah! A major-must-buy unnie! hahaha!. definitely going to get one. aigoo. *counts money* I think I might be able to make it. hahaha. I can do this! >:D
Jun 16 2011 06:05 AM

♥ TAENG9^^Susi

Such a good show though!!! Too bad it ended D:
I know!! Her hair was awesome!!!! I was her for Halloween :D
I'm going to be Kagome from Inuyasha this year xD
I'm going to comic on too :D ever been there?
Jun 15 2011 12:33 PM

Susi♥ TAENG9^^

Hehe Sailor Moon is still my favorite :D I have all the seasons on dvd lol Hehe me too when I was 10 my cousin did my hair like that :D I also like Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Card Captor Sakura waaa I can continue forever lol
Jun 15 2011 12:30 PM

Susi♥ TAENG9^^

Waaaa if you like them so much I need to listen to all their songs now *O* !! hehe I used to love to that so I can learn more and to sing the correct lyrics hehe ^.^; Waa my friend loves Inuyasha so much, she used to make me watch it all the time with her hehe
I like almost anything by Ayumi Hamasaki, Utada Hikaru, Mao Abe is AMAZING!! Kana Nishino <3 There are so many!! lol
Jun 15 2011 12:28 PM


También me pasó eso! Me caía mal Yoona, pero después descubrí como era en realidad, y me cambió toda la percerpción que tenía de ella!
Jun 15 2011 12:24 PM

♥ TAENG9^^Susi

Sailor Moon... wah... I remember that!
I still have my backpack of her!!
I loved her hair!!! :D
Jun 15 2011 12:22 PM

♥ TAENG9^^Susi

They are the best, amazing, just amazing!!
That's a smart method!! I wonder why I didn't think of that T.T
My favorite anime is Inuyasha!! My favorite hehe~ ^_^~
What jpop songs do you listen to?
Jun 15 2011 12:21 PM

Susi♥ TAENG9^^

..more of their songs still hehe I like them too :D I love a lot of girl groups I noticed compared to guys though XD For guys I like SHINee, Super Junior, B2st. Oh I got into J-pop because of anime :D I started watching anime when I was 2 years old Sailor Moon LOL
Jun 15 2011 12:18 PM

Susi♥ TAENG9^^

WOW yea *O* I can imagine it was hard :O Hehe that's what I did to learn what I know :D I love anime so much so I would listen to the original japanese version with the subs XD and then I use to put the Japanese lyrics with the translation on my ipod so I could look at them whenever I heard the song ;D Woow that tutor really helped you :D You learned so fast! Yes I have :D But I need to listen to
Jun 15 2011 12:17 PM

♥ TAENG9^^Susi

Hehe thank you but it was indeed very hard! Practice!!
Watch anime and lsiten or read lyrics! That will help you.
I had a tutor though. That was my "homework".
You heard of FT Island? I love love love them!!
There more krock though! ^_^ Oh I like TRAX too!
Jun 15 2011 12:12 PM

Susi♥ TAENG9^^

Ooo SHINee is my bias boy group hehe <3
Jun 15 2011 12:07 PM

Susi♥ TAENG9^^

OMO !! *O* Only 1 year !! You are a genius !! :O I've tried so hard to learn Japanese for so many years and I'm still on the basic hehe Ooohh I still need to get into FT Island XD I heard a lot of kpop songs because of BoA but because Japanese was easier for me to understand I ignored the korean songs DX Then I heard Kara's Lupin but then I heard SNSD and I was a kpop fan after that XD
Jun 15 2011 12:06 PM

♥ TAENG9^^Susi

SO NICE!!!!! I learnt korean while I was in Japan still.
It was so hard T.T but I know everything! Even the alphabet
It only took me a year to learn it. I was 11 years old :P
Oh wow, the first song.... I think it was FT Island's Bad Woman.
Ever since I heard that song, I been addicted to them.
They are my bias boy band!!! Snsd is my bias girl group. <3
Jun 15 2011 11:58 AM

Susi♥ TAENG9^^

Awwww don't cry <3 *passes tissue* <3<3
WOW *O* Korean too that's so amazing!! I only know English, Spanish, some German and some Japanese hehe Your English is perfect *O* don't worry I don't see any mistakes :O Yes I do a lot a lot !!! <3 What was your first kpop song that your heard :D ??
Jun 15 2011 11:51 AM