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CabbageSoup → JoannWong
Oooops it should be din't... but really why? I mean why call your self joannwong... Lettuce has more meaning. And we could be a pair. I be cabbage you be lettuce.... Anyway, I'm bored D: I go do art le, bb. You know whats bb rite....

CabbageSoup → JoannWong
You should have called yourself lettucesalad or lettucesoup DX Why don't you!!!

Boboy321 → CabbageSoup
Omg yeah she did!
Haha wah you just said you want to stay away from ssf lol
Yah go to sleep now! Tmr is a school day hehe
Haha wah you just said you want to stay away from ssf lol
Yah go to sleep now! Tmr is a school day hehe

CabbageSoup → Boboy321
Oh my... Oppa, your gf bought you the sica standee? Really? (Hehe just went for a little stalking. I'll stop now) Haha you lucky guy, and your girlfriend is really nice. ^^ We can measure her height now :P
gosh... what happened to my stay away from ssf DX
gosh... what happened to my stay away from ssf DX

CabbageSoup → Boboy321
>.< I shall refrain from ssf for the next week or two... Cos I'll never go off :P I'll come back when exams are done kays? Or if I feel bored and can't concentrate. Hehe :)
Hope army life stops being so suckish then :D Fighting! ^^
Hope army life stops being so suckish then :D Fighting! ^^

Boboy321 → CabbageSoup
Well you're smart enough to be taking it from the start :)
Of course I will tell you.I can't wait already!
Aha its okay ^^ Thanks for the wish! I really appreciate it :D
Yeah it totally suck >.<
Of course I will tell you.I can't wait already!
Aha its okay ^^ Thanks for the wish! I really appreciate it :D
Yeah it totally suck >.<

CabbageSoup → Boboy321
Haha nah I'm not that good. Keep forgetin all the formulaes and stuff ^^; And lols I just saw your page. "Gonna see this live in 3 wks" XD When you get back must tell me how it went :) hehe.
And Your Birthday!!! I dint notice sorry!
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! but it must suck to get called back. D:
And Your Birthday!!! I dint notice sorry!
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! but it must suck to get called back. D:

Boboy321 → CabbageSoup
Aha concentrate on your studies first ^^ Pretty sure the exams are coming rite..Later then we can talk about the hoodie hehe
Oh you take amath? You must be pretty good in math ^^ I totally suck on that subject XD
My day? Pretty bad start I guess >.< Got called back to camp on sunday to do guard duty. Couldn't celebrate my b'day on sunday then lol
Oh you take amath? You must be pretty good in math ^^ I totally suck on that subject XD
My day? Pretty bad start I guess >.< Got called back to camp on sunday to do guard duty. Couldn't celebrate my b'day on sunday then lol

CabbageSoup → Boboy321
Yeps sure :) Oh but do you have any specific colour/size you want? Cos I gotta check what they have as well.
Hmm my day was fine I guess. Not much. Came home from school, slept when I'm suppose to do tuition hw, had tuition, dinner. And I'm gonna do some art and amath now ^^ You? Anything new? :)
Hmm my day was fine I guess. Not much. Came home from school, slept when I'm suppose to do tuition hw, had tuition, dinner. And I'm gonna do some art and amath now ^^ You? Anything new? :)

Boboy321 → CabbageSoup
Aha when you find out where to get it tell me ok ^^
When I went to queue for the tickets I saw some pple wearing the hoodie and I was like woah lol
How was your day?
When I went to queue for the tickets I saw some pple wearing the hoodie and I was like woah lol
How was your day?

CabbageSoup → Boboy321
Hehe yeah :D
After my exams I'm gonna dig back up all those sites I saw. Then I'll let you know :)
After my exams I'm gonna dig back up all those sites I saw. Then I'll let you know :)

Boboy321 → CabbageSoup
Well if anyone of them just look and me and smile,I would be happy already hehe...
The thought of meeting them already made me smile like an idiot XD
Yeah fighting!! I'm sure you will do well ^^
Ah I have a hard time finding it :\
If you know where to get it tell me ok :)
The thought of meeting them already made me smile like an idiot XD
Yeah fighting!! I'm sure you will do well ^^
Ah I have a hard time finding it :\
If you know where to get it tell me ok :)

CabbageSoup → Boboy321
Hehe, true, if anyone of them waves at me I'll probably go throughout the week with this big idiotic smile one my face.
Yeah less than 1 week away, but in 2 weeks it'll be over :)
You can find it online on blogshops or sites if you look hard enough. But i don't think you can get it in sgp it self.
Yeah less than 1 week away, but in 2 weeks it'll be over :)
You can find it online on blogshops or sites if you look hard enough. But i don't think you can get it in sgp it self.

Boboy321 → CabbageSoup
Hmm my reaction will probably be like your sister too hehe
I hope Sica wave at me at the concert then XD
Oh do you know we can get the hoodie here?
Ah go and study then...Your exams are coming up rite
I hope Sica wave at me at the concert then XD
Oh do you know we can get the hoodie here?
Ah go and study then...Your exams are coming up rite