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roxanne sone → cruellakyu
hello happy bebebelated bday lol. can i request that you'll post more icon tuts that does not require the selective colour function? cuz my ver of photoshop does not include tt function...i cant do like, 5 of your tuts...:(

roxanne sone → tiffanyuri~
hey there :) i saw your new hoot glow set :) could you teach me how you made the glow look vintage and real? i've browsed thru other threads and yea they can make the glow look so real! but when i tried it looks kinds 'dead' and 'powdery' i cant really explain but it looks really weird. could you help me? thx

roxanne sone → Wenting
hey wenting, wat nationality are you? becos if i'm not wrong i saw you in ssf sg. lol :)

soshi-sephy → roxanne sone
@roxanne ~ Hello,thanks for liking my siggies :D Oh btw.. They're .gif images :)

tiffanyuri~ → roxanne sone
ooh hi thanks for visiting. please comment on my artwork thread if you do have the time :) with the star flow, you can use the brushes already installed like the circle ones or you can download star brushes. for the brushes, you can use the scatter option so it has more of it coming out. and just let the brush flow so it appears its flowing. if you have any problems just let me know kay.

roxanne sone → soshi-sephy
hey! i really like you animated banners! which file do you save it as? eg. bitmap/ png/ jpg?

roxanne sone → tiffanyuri~
yo hi. this is late but: i love your artwork! i have an artwork thread somewhere else. and i'd like your advice and help on using those, flow things and dots/light things you have in your sigs. pls teach me :)

roxanne sone → jinho
hi jinho ^^ amazing artwork you post up. idk if you'll get to see my request, so i'll also post it here XD thx and really, i love the siggies, SONE hwaiting!
Stock image:
Text: like -none-
Colors: pink ^^
Size: 350x150
Extra comments: the fireflies version :) thx :)
Stock image:
Text: like -none-
Colors: pink ^^
Size: 350x150
Extra comments: the fireflies version :) thx :)

Loveisyulsic → roxanne sone
roxy !
it's me ,clara.
I was hospitalized because typhus and dengue fever last week !
eww that's taste not good
it's me ,clara.
I was hospitalized because typhus and dengue fever last week !
eww that's taste not good

roxanne sone → tommycck
annyung! okie this is kinda weird we dunno each other but hi! i saw your tut and it was so cool. but i dont have photoshop. my friend who volunteered to help me(she has photoshop) but the outcome isn't very good. i was hoping you'll accept requests on helping me make some siggies? i have some pics i'd like to make into siggies ^^ pls reply and keep up with your good work!

roxanne sone → Soy