Community Status Updates

roxanne sone → Chef
hey graphic designer! about your latest trance sunny! can you tell me wad event/cf was that from? i'm seeing a no. of ppl with banners from this style of dress

roxanne sone → grandma deer
hello can i ask where you got your banner original image from? thx

jinho → roxanne sone
haha thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment roxanne sone :)
sorry for being late but i always forget to check the comments on my profile
hopefully, i'll get some free time to make more tutorials for u but for now, i hope u enjoy the bonus siggies in my siggie thread :) bai bai
sorry for being late but i always forget to check the comments on my profile
hopefully, i'll get some free time to make more tutorials for u but for now, i hope u enjoy the bonus siggies in my siggie thread :) bai bai

tiffanyuri~ → roxanne sone
hii~ as you commented on my artwork thread about the comeback, i just recently posted up my new sig set hehe. check it out and comment ^^

roxanne sone → jinho
YO YOU! OPPA! lolz i just wanna say i love your siggies, esp the one on the left. the right one is nice too, but left one is awesome cuz it's SEXSICAAAAA lol. when u have time, do a tutorial

roxanne sone → aisukurimu
ok so um i roght click on the file then i extract to where?

aisukurimu → roxanne sone
your com didn't have winrar application??
so here download and install it :)
so here download and install it :)

roxanne sone → aisukurimu
hi thar :D about your visual dreams CAPS... i cant open rar. files :( so sorry but can yyou upload like um...imageshack and pass me? so sorry...i really want the CAPS...but my com cannot open rar. or others

roxanne sone → JigokUNO
hi thar! saw your gifs and they were very good. i was thinking could you help me scale tis down so tt the height is 150? thx!

shikshin_s → roxanne sone
Hello, Do you like soshiArt :D? Please comment and tell me what you think