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J.TAEYEON → RyaLovesDominic
Haha! Same, there's also a lot of homeworks for me. One day at least 5 subject per homework! :< ^^ preparing to do my homework. You?? :)

RyaLovesDominic → J.TAEYEON
For me... lots of homework! D:. :D. Yay! Same birthday! :D. What are you doing now? :D.

RyaLovesDominic → J.TAEYEON
For me... lots of homework! D:. :D. Yay! Same birthday! :D. What are you doing now? :D.

J.TAEYEON → RyaLovesDominic
Haha, life was complicated for me. Everyday, there will be lots of test for my class. :< How about you?

J.TAEYEON → RyaLovesDominic
Haha, yeayea. School is also on for mee tmr too. :<
Yes, indeed sentose is a nice place for tourist yea.? I also love going there when there's a school holiday for me. Oh gosh! I also want to visit KOREA! ^^
Hmm, i'm currently doing my homeworks! I have been struggling with it since yesterday... :<
Yes, indeed sentose is a nice place for tourist yea.? I also love going there when there's a school holiday for me. Oh gosh! I also want to visit KOREA! ^^
Hmm, i'm currently doing my homeworks! I have been struggling with it since yesterday... :<

RyaLovesDominic → J.TAEYEON
Yeah~ I am fine! School tomorrow though. T.T. Singapore is the best! XD. I love Sentosa there! Lol! :D. I want to visit Korea too! :D. What are u doing? :D

J.TAEYEON → RyaLovesDominic
Hahah, hi theree! :) Thanks for adding! ^^
Yea, i'm fine. How about you? Oh, you have visited sing before? That's great!
Nice to know you in ssf! :)
Yea, i'm fine. How about you? Oh, you have visited sing before? That's great!
Nice to know you in ssf! :)

RyaLovesDominic → J.TAEYEON
Hi~! No friends here? o.o. I added you! How are u? I visited Singapore before! I love it there! XD