Community Status Updates

soshipiano11 → Soy
On this rather unspecial day, I like to give my honors to the founder of Soshified and her brilliant and hardworking staffs, to everyone who made this sanctuary possible, thank you so much. 소시파이드 화이팅! 영원히 소녀시대!

MungSylar → Soy
Hi Soy...happy new year :) and wish u all the best for Soshified and all the staffs too

soshiandsone → Soy
Happy New Years Soy!!Also,thank you for this wonderful website!

djput8backon → Soy
You deserve more than "Thank you." You're a living legend for the SONES.

ChubbiSoshi → Soy
Hello Unnie! Thanks for creating Soshified :) I just wanted to know .. for the smtown fanclub , do i have to pay to make an account?

dorkymushroom07 → Soy
Unnie! thank you for creating soshified. :") you're the best! Happy 5th Anniversary to us =^____^= ♥

i3ph_chan → Soy
Hello Soy unnie.. i hope this fansite will not be shutdowned like t-ara's fansite