Community Status Updates

farhanseumda → Soy
Hello Soy... Btw,u create SOSHIFIED on 28 Jan right...??? my birthday also on 28 Jan... btw,birth date is 28 jan 1991.. haha.. Nice to meet u.. Fighting

SNSDChapterMaster197 → Soy
Thankyou, you have given us a place to express our love for the nine girls.

eyes2blues → Soy
I first heard the username "Soy" from Oniontaker's Tumblr post and OMG, I didn't know that THAT Soy is actually the founder of SSF! And you're only 21!!!! OMFG! *worship*

Soy → bethlyhem.
hi dunnno if you have twitter or Skype but add me hahaha would like to get to know you more :)D

I have you on skype already! I'm Beth S****** :) And twitter is @bethlyhem - I already follow you too, haha (I'm starting to sound like a bit of a stalker... hm)
May 15 2012 07:04 AM

dorkymushroom07 → Soy
Annyeong Soy Unnie~~ =^___^= Advanced Happy Mother's Day to your Mom~~ ♥ Godbless you & your Family as always.. ^o^ Soshified hwaiting!

yoonabs → Soy
Annyeong~ I just came by to say Thank You for giving us Soshified( : I also would like to say Your the best!!! One quick question, how do you become a moditor or admin or SoshiSubbers in Soshified?

musicdonstop → Soy
happy late bday Soy^^~~! thanks for bringing us Soshified.. ur the best :)

ch0c0_17 → Soy
happy birthday soy!! thanks for ssf.. God bless!! have a nice day!!♥♥♥