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Member Since 06 Jun 2008
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Thank you! I think they have been very effective in touching the readers' emotions. Im looking forward to Xephyre's next chapter :)
Jul 02 2011 09:24 PM


Hi again. The supernatural things I include is kind of like a combination of the two you mentioned but it is mostly utilized as a way to interest readers and to exaggerate/emphasize a point that I want to make through the story. :D
Jun 11 2011 12:22 PM


I'm dumbfounded! I'm one of your readers who asked you a question a while back and you replied but I didn't see it :(
Very late reply but: I can kind of see how you would base some parts on your experiences and mistakes. However, I have to say that your stories aren't typical in the sense that it involves supernatural things. Are these all from your mind or are they related your wants?
May 31 2011 04:15 PM


Hey there ^^ Just want to thank you for your comments and is here to somewhat answer your question. My one-shots are mostly based on my experiences, wants and mistakes. Further elaboration might force me to tell you my whole life story (but I'm not that old >w<) :D
I am very very happy to have a reader like you and don't worry about asking me stuff. I'm more than happy to answer. ^^v
Nov 09 2010 01:54 PM


hi, i am a new reader of your works. i have already read sacrifice, victory and voice. i know this is really asking too much. i do not even know why i'm even asking but i guess there's no harm in trying. :D so hmm, where/from whom do you get your inspiration?
Nov 06 2010 02:03 AM


i've decided to go outside of the house and get some fresh air! lol
watch some yotube, for my snsd fetish.
you know the usual :)
Nov 16 2009 02:20 PM


thanks a lot hehe, it's really tiring though. how bout you? what have you been doing?aside from studying lol!
Nov 16 2009 12:28 AM


it's great to hear that you're in school now!
have fun on your learning!
Nov 11 2009 07:08 AM


heyyya what's up? i didn't know school was that bad! lmao it's dead tiring.
Nov 11 2009 04:59 AM


umma! i honestly haven't been on ssf much since forever but i'm trying to post more now, how are you? seriously, we haven't talked since forever.. >.<
Nov 11 2009 04:57 AM