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How do I play a .tp file? *****

Submitted by: GPTX
Submitted: Feb 06 2011 04:29 PM
Last updated: Feb 06 2011 04:30 PM
Category: Soshi Subs
Question: How do I play a .tp file?
  • If you are using a DirectShow video player such as Windows Media Player, Zoom Player and Media Player Classic, Download Haali Media Splitter.
  • When installing make sure to read carefully and enable mpeg-ts. .ts and .tp files are the same so you can rename a .tp to .ts and vice versa.
  • If you are having problems watching videos that you have downloaded on VLC player or Gom Player, I suggest downloading a codec pack that has all the codecs you need to watch a video smoothly, such as Combined Community Codec Pack[CCCP]. (All Codecs suggested are FREE, so do not pay for them.)
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