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Member Since 16 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2013 10:17 PM

About Me

Just joined the site a couple of weeks ago, so I don't have much on~
And I'm not really artistic, so I don't really have anything to put on,
but I thought I should put some information about myself~
I <3 SNSD ^^ As does everyone else on this site.
I'm a pretty cheerful person most of the time,
I love all the members XD They all bring something to the group~
However, my favorite member would be Jessica or Taeyeon~
I really love everything about the both of them!!

I'm a Taiwanese-American born in Hawaii, raised in Taiwan.
However, I'm preparing to move back to California for college ^^

Now I'm fluent in English and Chinese,
better in English than Chinese, since it's my first language.
However, if members know Chinese I can also type/speak it fluently.
If there is any need to translate things to Traditional Chinese
I can help out and translate it, if I'm not busy with school.
SNSD is currently my life ^^ It's my way to inner peace ^^

Anyway I will add more things, as time goes by~
Thought I'd just introduce myself so people know about me!
Anyway SNSD is popular in Taiwan, so they should hurry up and come here for a concert ^^
I'll definitely get front row tickets, even if it costs me my college tuition!

I know I'm quite new, but if anyone needs help or has questions they can ask me, too.
If anyone wants to know more about me, they can just ask I don't mind answering too!~
If I know the answer to anyone's question, I'll do my best to help out.

Anyway feel free to leave me a message, or just add me to friends ^^
I don't bite ^^

My Collection of SNSD Items!

~~~ Memorable Quotes Between My Friends and I ~~~

*Watching Run Devil Run*
My Friend: Why is Jessica in the middle?
Me: Because She's Jessica!!
Other Friend: That made a lot of sense XD
Me: I know right, she's so ignorant. (Talking about my original friend)

(Same friend that stated I made a lot of sense in the previous post)
*After getting my hands on a big Oh! Poster*
My Friend: You should hold the poster the other way, so everyone can see!
Me: No!
My Friend: How come?
Me: I'm ashamed!
My Friend: Did you just say you're ashamed of SNSD?!?!?
Me: No, I'm not ashamed of them, I'm ashamed of myself!!
My Friend: Sometimes you say a lot of things that make sense
Me: I know right ^^

Community Stats

  • Group Soshified
  • Active Posts 237
  • Profile Views 4422
  • Member Title SoshiStruck
  • Age 32 years old
  • Birthday March 10, 1992
  • Gender
    Male Male
  • Location
  • Favorite SoShi Member
  • Proud citizen of
    Taiwan (TW)

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