Yuri was here since the 13th but I'm only writing about the days I'll never forget (:
February 17, 2012 ~
After 5 days freezing in the cold, looking for Kwon Yuri..
We finally found her <3
My friends and I were waiting at the filming site. We saw Shin Se Kyung and Yoo Ah In again. Like I’m sorry, you guys are gorgeous and everything but we want to see Kwon Yuri. We stuck around for a while. Next thing you know, a van pulls up with one of the girls’ managers in the passenger seat. I recognized him right away. This must mean that Yuri is in the back seat.
She stayed in the van for a while and we were just outside. The lights in the car turned on and we saw her beautiful face. We waved hi and asdfghjklkjhgal. She saw us & waved back. At first, me and my friends were waving calmly. Then as soon as she waved back, we were spazzing out and waving back intensely. Yuri and her manager were laughing at us LOL. Yuri was also laughing hysterically while talking in the van with her stylists. ASDFGLKJHS. SO DAMN ADORABLE. <3
The moment came when she stepped out of that car. Everyone’s jaw just dropped. She came out with an extravagant gown, and a blazer, with killer heels. BEAUTIFUL <3
She stopped for like 5 seconds to say hi to the SONE before filming ^^ & we were all like “HI YURI HI YURI.”
Yuri started filming and I was a couple feet away. She only filmed for like 10 minutes though -____-
When she was done, she started walking towards where me and my friends were by the staff to take pictures. HOLY MOTHER. She was 2 feet away from us. WE MADE FREAKING EYE CONTACT. WE SAID HI. AND HOLY ASDFGHJKLKJH.
She was so elegant posing for pictures in that gown. After pictures, it was time for her to leave. We said “Bye Yuri. Good Night~” & she said “Thank You. Thank you for coming” ~ ASDFGHJKLKJHGFHJK. <3
ugh, she’s so niceeee and thoughtful <3
so ravishing, stunning, breathtaking, jaw dropping beautiful <3
everything i’ve been through this week was worth it to see this goddess.
February 21, 2012 ~
Today was the day of Yuri's driving scene.
There was a group of SONE waiting outside the van she was driving in. She was constantly waving and smiling at us. Yuri even asked us if we were cold and she had a worried look on her face.
I think her van was being pulled by a truck for a test drive. After the test drive, it was time to film her scene. She was legit driving on the streets of NYC. I was scared for her. It was such a congested road. But she did it successfully ^^
Sorry for such a bad picture. We weren't allowed to take pictures so I tried to sneak it..
February 22, 2012.
What Yuri did today was so damn lovable.
Now, my upsetting feelings of Yuri rejecting me for an autograph yesterday are slowly going away. I was disappointed over that, but what she did today made it all up.
So I was waiting at the filming site today when I heard that Yuri was there. It was freaking cold today, especially since I was wearing jeggings, Toms, and a light jacket.
But once Yuri came out, it was all good. I wasn’t freezing anymore. ^^
I saw people starting to wave at someone so I was thinking to myself “oh damn, she must be out now.” I was behind a crowd of people so I moved to the front to see her better. I had a perfect view
When Yuri was walking out, she asked us something along the lines of “Aren’t you guys cold ?” with a worried look on her face. She was also making gesture with her hands like she was cold.
Then she walked to the van. & she showed us her Crocs .. LMFAO. She stuck out her foot to show us and was like ‘look~’ Her Crocs had some kind of design on them and it had lights on them so they were lighting up LOL. I guess she wanted to show us that LOL. She’s so weird. <3
Yuri went into the van, rolled down her window, and started talking to us. She was like ‘this is a dangerous street.. go home~’
Me and a few other people were chuckling at her engrish so Yuri was like “Why are you HAHAHAHA ?” .. which probably meant ‘why the **** are you people laughing at me.’ OMFG this girl <3 That part was so freakiing hilarious guys. “Why are you HAHAHA ?” LOLOLOL what a dork <3
My friend asked Yuri if she was going shopping tonight or not. Yuri was like “EHHHHH ? hehe, noo.. ~” LOL
Yuri kept telling us to go home because it was cold I guess. She also said “thank you for cominggg~” ugh, she’s so damn sweet.
While she was driving away, she stuck out her head and said “byeeeee~ thank you for comingggg ~ and waved to us. Her voice is so lovely <3
As the car was leaving, I was legit crying. I’m not even kidding. I swear, I was crying over how adorable she was. You guys had to be there.
February 23, 2012.
I was at the restaurant where the Fashion King staff was holding an after party. My friends and I wanted to see Yuri so we decided to stay a while. It was so funny when the manager went to use the restroom. He went into the wrong door and everything he bumped into fell down. He turned around to us and we pointed him to where the door was LOOL. When he came out, he looked at us in embarrassment lmfao.
When Yuri came down to leave, we were just sitting in our seats, staring at her beauty. Her and her manager left the restaurant. But the manager came back. He came over to our table and asked us if we were Korean. We all weren't Korean so we said no ~ The manager then said 'gomawoyo ~ thank you' with a smile on his face.. He was thanking us for not bombarding and bothering Yuri when she left. ^^
February 24, 2012.
My Yuri adventure is over. Yuri left ~
I hope she enjoyed being in NYC.. again. You guys shall anticipate her scenes in Fashion King
I’m raging so hard though. I can’t believe I overslept and missed saying goodbye to her at the airport. I really wanted to give her the Statue of Liberty Mickey Mouse and my letters..
Never in my life have I spent $400+ on someone. Never in my life have I been this tired. Never in my life have I waited out in the freezing cold for so damn long for someone.
But it was all worth it every single time I saw Yuri. I’m disappointed that she rejected my request for an autograph though. Oh well. Seeing her is already enough for me. An autograph would’ve been an icing on the cake.
I hope the girls know how dedicated SONE are. Because what my friends and I went through to see Yuri ... we are devoted & loyal as heck.
- Soshified
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Member Since 11 Apr 2010Offline Last Active Aug 06 2014 06:05 PM
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my number is always 9.
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my group is always girls' generation.
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#4902930 [02.13.12 - 02.24.12] Kwon Yuri in NYC.
Posted by its_anitax3 on 25 February 2012 - 12:25 PM
#3983315 12 - BORN TO BE A LADY
Posted by its_anitax3 on 15 June 2011 - 08:10 PM
omg, i seriously LOOVEEEE this song <3
its def. my fav from the album.
i cant stop playing it !
thanks for the translations and romanizations
its def. my fav from the album.
i cant stop playing it !
thanks for the translations and romanizations
- 1
- Soshified
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