Member Since 06 Apr 2010Offline Last Active Sep 30 2014 09:15 AM
Updated 18 May · 0 comments
About Me
about me ♥
name. 이은영//jenny
ethnicity. korean
birthplace. los angeles, california (usa)
birthyear. 1987
soshi love ♥
inlovewith. 임윤아//yoona♥
otherloves. i love the rest pretty much equally~ ^^; they're all special in their own ways~
i first knew of 윤아//yoona from the drama 9회말2아웃//9End2Outs. honestly.. i reallyy didn't like her there >< her character was really annoying.. then snsd debuted.. and i saw her & snsd cameo in 거침없이 하이킥//unstoppable high kick ^^ that's when i kinda got over her character in 9회말2아웃 so i looked up snsd and saw their mvs and performances ^^; i wasn't a big snsd fan though.. until 윤아//yoona just started growing on me~ and now.. i adore her~ hahaha i saw many clips/shows/radio/etc with snsd which allowed me to see different sides of each member.. and allowing me to love all members~
etc.. ♥
i joined this fansite kuz of my love for soshi♥ and i wanted to make new friends~ call me 은영//eunyoung//jenny whichever you prefer ^^;
nice to meet you all~♥
fanfic ♥
name. 이은영//jenny
ethnicity. korean
birthplace. los angeles, california (usa)
birthyear. 1987
soshi love ♥
inlovewith. 임윤아//yoona♥
otherloves. i love the rest pretty much equally~ ^^; they're all special in their own ways~
i first knew of 윤아//yoona from the drama 9회말2아웃//9End2Outs. honestly.. i reallyy didn't like her there >< her character was really annoying.. then snsd debuted.. and i saw her & snsd cameo in 거침없이 하이킥//unstoppable high kick ^^ that's when i kinda got over her character in 9회말2아웃 so i looked up snsd and saw their mvs and performances ^^; i wasn't a big snsd fan though.. until 윤아//yoona just started growing on me~ and now.. i adore her~ hahaha i saw many clips/shows/radio/etc with snsd which allowed me to see different sides of each member.. and allowing me to love all members~
etc.. ♥
i joined this fansite kuz of my love for soshi♥ and i wanted to make new friends~ call me 은영//eunyoung//jenny whichever you prefer ^^;
nice to meet you all~♥
fanfic ♥
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- Member Title SoshiHoney
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