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Member Since 13 Mar 2010Offline Last Active Feb 28 2013 12:55 AM
About Me
Updated 1/16/12
Hello Everyone. My Name Is Jacob Anthony Conde, A 17 year old sunshiner who loves to do dance and rap and loves to play on my XBOX 360. I am a very intriguing 17 year old in the sense that i know too much for my own good. Then again I am very charming like that so it makes me who I am
My favorite soshi member is Sunny. Yes the aegyo kills me BUT it is more then that. she isn't only cute, she is very funny, she plays video games, sports and all the things I like basically . Sunny is always the bright gem on my rainy day and i love her for that!! Then again I would say Sunny is tied with Taengoo. Taeyeon is just an amazing vocalist such as Sunny and I do feel that Taeng does have her share of cute moments as well and they always crack me up. So you can say that they are both my faves BUT Sunny just stands out a liiiiiitle more then Taeyeon does (sorry Taeng :S) as for the other members,I don't raelly have a top 9 because of all the ties so this is what i have so far. 1st is SunTae, 2nd Is JeTi, 3rd is YoonYul, 4th is the trio of Kim Soo Hyun but all and all i do love my girls equally XD
In terms of Dancers. I love any form of HIP HOP dance, not contemporary or any of that other crud. I really like Thesis, Physicx, Hong 10, Shabba Doo, Boogaloo Shrimp, Crazy Legs, Mr. Wiggles, Hilty & Bosch, Co-Thkoo, and so on and so on. they are my inspirations of my dancing!! I myself am a very unique style of popping, tutting, waving, locking and such. I am very choreo savvy and I feel like i can pick it up very easily. dance isn't really my focus though, that would be music
In terms of rapping, I started about 2 years ago and grew better and better with time. I went from names like Kid Phantom, Jay_Buddah and so on. I call myself Jay Cee when i'm rapping with my friends/group members (we call ourselves Demo Squad). I do try my hardest to make my raps very meaningful and very intelligent unlike what people listen to nowadays. now granted some rappers now are intelligent in terms of their lyricism but when you have commercialized music which sounds like garbage, I question the intelligence. I do have my share of fave rappers as well. Groups like Black Star, Arrested Development, Digable Planets, The Pharcyde, A Tribe Called Quest, Souls of Mischief, Bone Thugs & Harmony and so on. These guys are my Idols and inspire me to write My Rhymes. Now Every Now and Then I Write So I will probably put it on this page for you guys to see and criticize. I would show you what I have so far now but My rhymes have some vulgarity so I will restrain myself. But be on the look out is all i gotta say . I do however have a youtube channel where you can see all my raps and such.
please subscribe to http://www.youtube.com/JayCeeHP
I Love to write. reviews, short stories, essays, everything that involves a computer and a keyboard and a topic will include me and about a 500 word count at the very least. I've always been a fan of a lot of movies because of the script and how beautifully written it was. In the future i aspire to be a journalist or a script writer in hopes that i can actually get my name out. anything that involves getting my name out I will do and I will try my damn hardest to persevere to achieve my goal of being known
Besides SNSD, I am an avid K-Pop lover. Not only do i like SNSD, but I like groups such as KARA, Epik High, BEAST, 2NE1, Big Bang, SHINee, Untouchable and such. I also love some of the solo artists like Jay Park, G.NA, BoA, Rain, MYK, San E and such. K-Pop culture in general i embraced and grew to love and make it my own in a sense. K-pop to me now starting to go global in a sense and sooner or later, k-pop will blend slowly with north american pop and eventually we will see the american audience grow to love and appreciate k-pop as they do regular pop music
Video Games have been a huge part of my life for sure. I started gaming at the age of 2 and from then on I just kept on going. Games such as Tekken, DDR, UFC, NBA 2K11/12, currently keep my hands on the controller but back in the day it was all about FF7, Chrono Trigger, GTA and so on. Video Games will always have a place in my heart and no matter how old I get, I will die with my controller at hand. If anybody is wondering if I have xbox live i do, add my GT: NEAKS and lets start playing.
I love movies to a point where they take up most of my life and time. along with dancing, rapping, gaming and writing, movies comes around as something i would like to do as a serious profession (and yes i wanna be a pro gamer). movies of all kinds really intrigue me. from Zombieland to Goodfellas, Scarface to Drunken Master, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and The Social Network and almost every movie in between (and by the way, SPvTW and TSN are my fave movies of 2010 and are in my top 5 list of fave movies of all time), i say almost every movie because there are some bad ones that i have seen that REALLY suck *coughcoughhumancentipedecoughcough* but never the less i respect the movie industry and might possibly use my writing within said industry. if i'm not writing stories or bars or dancing in my spare time
i tend to be a man that usually is alone (hence the name JC_TheLoner) but to be honest i always wanted a relationship. right now i am single and on the look out but i can't seem to find a girl out there who is right for me. i did have one relationship but didn't work out. seems as though girls drift away from me O_O. well i will try and find the right one and if not... seems as though i might as well STAY as the loner. even though it would be nice to have someone with me so that mr. lonely will have a mrs. lonely... hopefully lol.
it's hard to explain what kind of guy i am. it's as if i have embraced all kinds of personalities, mashing it altogether and making well... myself. having gone through what i gone through i come tome to realize that life can really be short and that i should make the best of it. so i try and make as many friends as possible and play to their strengths. i can be smart, i can be an @$$, i can be mr. nice guy, i can play that one friend everyone talks to, i basically am a lot of things. so in terms of myself i'm... a man whose biggest strengh comes from others strength... i guess? XD
Well that is pretty much it in terms of who I am, what my intersts are and so on. Feel free to add me as a friend and what not, I allow it. Just don't go creeping me bout stuff... weirdos O_O jk jk
P.S. the things i have underlined and bolded i highly recommend whatever it is.
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 105
- Profile Views 7527
- Member Title I Am Just A Rapper
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday July 5, 1994
Vancouver BC
Video Games, Freestyle Rapping, Dancing (Mostly Popping), Listening To Music (ESPECIALLY SNSD)
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Canada (CA)
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