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Member Since 08 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2015 04:08 AM
I finally accomplished all my last few tasks. I am taking my leave today, god will bless you all. I don't know you by faces, but I know you by heart. Every friend I made, ev... Updated 05 Oct · 1 comments

About Me


[Updated 9:14 am GMT+10 Thursday Oct 4th 2012]
Farewell message to Sones and friends,
Times flies, heart binds, hands held, tears shed, laughter linger.
I'll always remember those fun times. Being a Sone has always felt the only thing right that I've been so sincere about. I can tell you my little story, how I became a Sone if you haven't heard already. Back in 2007 I heard of Super girl group, I wasn't too keen. It wasn't until 2008-2009 I got interested. When I first seen Gee, Seohyun caught my eye. But when I watched Invincible youth Sunny stole my heart away. I established my first channel SunnyAegyoify in August 2010. From there I gradually became obsessed with Sunny and not until later I loved SNSD and Taeyeon became my bia list wrecker. I've watched them grow over the years into very beautiful girls, but they still are the dorks I've fell in love with years back.

As you all know, my channel is mostly dedicated to pairings of SNSD, my thoughts upon this topic. I feel contented to see the bonding of SNSD. I desired to see the beautiful interaction between the girls, love in friendship or even deeper and share it in videos for the rest of the world to see. It's what I feel strongly about. It doesn't matter how you classify it, what matters is what your heart tells you. In the society today there are still those who a reckless of other people's feelings, those who are against it, they typically are those who are selfish. Why do I say this? Because love is selfless, and those who care are not being greedy to their own preferences. But there are also those who are unknown to why it happens, they are forgiven for you can't understand what you don't know. But if you yet haven't understood why remember this quote. “If you judge people, you have no time to love them." -Mother Teresa of Calcutta

This goes to everyone, love is pure, love is freedom, everyone should be able to express their affection to another no matter what race, gender, and social/stereotyping barriers. God bless those who found their soulmates, but don't give up if you haven't. All you need is to put your heart out and someone will do the same.

As for the reason I'm saying farwell, I need to concentrate on things in my life, there are issues I need to overcome. I've been suffering from depression, and more recently I've recognised the reasons behind it. This channel had became quite a burden, I don't want to disappoint anyone but I can't balance many things at once. It takes about 80% of my time to make videos and only contribute 20% to real life activities. Over the years I had tried to restraint myself as some of you already know, but I couldn't control myself. This time I've chosen to leave again but in a more happily manner, our girls has now made history and they have become well known. I think it is the right time to take another passage.
I want to focus better on Uni and the progressing my career path. I'm sorry it's so sudden but I'll have to leave you for awhile, it'll maybe be a very long time.
It's not farewell but a beginning of a new road. It's not letting go but finding a pathway to success. This channel will remain for those who would like to visit.

For those who have supported me since my first channel it's truly my honor, you've supported me this far and have helped me get this far. To the newer Sones I wish you a journey of joy, you'll never regret being a Sone, you'll only fret for not being one.

"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before we can meet again and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime, is certain for those who are friends."
Always and forever love SNSD!
Once again Thank you my friends.

Always remember you're all beautiful people,
if you do everything with a passion you'll succeed.

Sincerely yours,

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