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Member Since 27 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 29 2019 02:18 AM
Time to study again... Updated 17 Jun · 0 comments

About Me



I'm not extremely active on Soshified anymore, but I still feel like this forum is like home. 




My screen name is LoveSoshiYoona, since Yoona was my very first bias and the reason I got into SNSD. I'm a bit embarrassed it's STILL my screen name, but I always was afraid to change it because I used to be on a lot of PM lists hahaha

It's okay though, I gotta stick to my roots!! Besides, it doesn't REALLY matter AND everyone knows me by this name.

I'm proud to say that I'm a SONE since late 2008, but I don't see anyone who just became a fan as less a fan than I am. 


My ultimate bias now is Jessica, she stole my heart somehow and I can't get it back, flying with her from Shanghai to Seoul to wherever CEO-Jung is headed to.




The bias I have now who is still in the group (that broke me) is probably Taeyeon, but I have a weak for Sunny. 

My absolute favourite year was probably 2009, the year that almost everything went the right way.


I've become too busy now to keep track of all the new groups and artists and such, but sometimes I do peep in the direction of K-pop, but of course I love a lot of artists and groups.

I think I know everything up to 2011, after that I kind of lost track.

I do know some names and such, but don't expect me to know all the names to Seventeen or Up10tion or groups like this.


Lately, I've been really into Mamamoo!! My bias is Solar, because she looks like Squirtle, her personality is just like that I look for in a girl, she's extremely talented and she is drop dead gorgeous. Mamamoo's chemistry and antics remind me of SNSD in the olden days, when I just got into them and they actually brought me back to kpop. Also, I ship WheeSun with so much passion as I still kind of ship JeTi. I miss their concert interactions.... Man...




Hit me up!!

Tumblr: noflannelhate.tumblr.com

Skype: cookie9monster

Instagram: starswaitingforus // princessjessi418



More gifs under the cut



My fics:

X Academy!

One - Shots
Wings, Horns and Heart


Community Stats

  • Group Soshified
  • Active Posts 1632
  • Profile Views 11549
  • Member Title OT9
  • Age 27 years old
  • Birthday December 1, 1997
  • Gender
    Female Female
  • Location
    Cloud 9
  • Favorite SoShi Member
  • Proud citizen of
    Netherlands (NL)

Contact Information

  • Instagram starswaitingforus // princessjessi418
  • Skype Skype  cookie9monster
21 Neutral

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