Member Since 17 Dec 2009Offline Last Active Jul 26 2019 07:37 PM
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RaYina121930 → cy3101
I mean is that I like the one I gave to you, what else can you call me unnie?...

RaYina121930 → cy3101
I like the on I gave to ya dork twin unnie..hahahahaha, what can you call me btw? kekeke ^^

cy3101 → RaYina121930
haha..my nickname or you want to give me new nickname? haha

cy3101 → RaYina121930
you can find me on twitter anytime, i always on there, so you can mention me when you miss me.. hahaha..
owh, another name, you are creative person rite? haha..
owh, another name, you are creative person rite? haha..

RaYina121930 → cy3101
hahaha...ok miss dork sone, ^^...I'm trying to online the same as you but our time didn't much T,T...but We can chat on twitter right?...^^

cy3101 → RaYina121930
call me whatever you want, i like the names u gave to me so far, no need to confuse..haha
mmh, try to online earlier next time, you always online when i felt sleepy.. :(
mmh, try to online earlier next time, you always online when i felt sleepy.. :(

RaYina121930 → cy3101
Eh, why? I was the one who call you, Ms. Trooper and Dork Sone...hmmmm...are you making me confuse? T,T

cy3101 → RaYina121930
hahahaha..i got 2 names from you, ms.trooper n dorky sone XD