Member Since 03 Dec 2009Offline Last Active Jun 25 2021 11:57 PM
About Me
Hello, I'm Jimmy.
blue is my fave
I am a working professional,I live in Texas and I love SNSD!
I'm moderate, and open to lots of discussions/idea but first hand warning, I am rather sensitive about military/war debates. Unless you're prior service or current, then you can't do any bashing. I served a very brief stay in the reserves. I have lots of friends in arms, so military/service members hold a very dear place to me.
Still very new to kpop, I got into it after coming back from basic training in Sept of 2009. As DJ Jennie (much thanks to her though) and everyone say, I'm a NOOB.
I love Sunny, I love Hyomin. I love SuByung! (my OTP, followed by SunSica) I'm also a fan of a lot of the G7 members.
Jo Kwon is one of my favorite divas. I of course like all the SNSD members and it can't be helped if sometimes favorites are played.
Khun is my favorite 2PM member, I like 2AM over 2PM, but khun
Generally a fan of all girl groups and don't get into the hate/bash of other GGs, I prolly won't view too highly of you if you're one of those people.. Bora and Hyorin (HyoLyn).Jieun, Hyosung! IU. I have a lot of likes...
Because I'm a silly male, I got my top 10 list... haha
1. Sunny (duh) 6. Yewon
2. Bomi 7. Hyomin
3. Wendy 8. Moon Chae Won
4. Eunji (Apink) 9. Jessica
5. Park Bo Young 10. Bora
Texans and Rockets fan. Andre Agassi is forever the top tennis player to me.
I enjoy watching Korean Dramas. So if you have any recommendations, let me know!
One of my more active threads Sunny and Hyomin Thread!
My Sunny/Hyomin FanFic! Pictures of You
My Sunny Action/Sci-Fi FanFic! Memiors of Courage
My collab with revaLazN: License to Live - YoonSic and YulTi
New Sunny Adventure! - The Sun Never Dies
New Subyung Drama - Loving You
Community Stats
- Group SoShi Subbers
- Active Posts 1473
- Profile Views 14185
- Member Title I Can't Help it if Sunny Loves Me
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
Texas, USA
tennis,SUNNY,kpop, kdramas, sports, military, getting a degree, trying to be fetch
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