Member Since 27 Nov 2009Offline Last Active May 25 2012 10:36 PM
About Me
Name: Natasha
Nicknames: Narsh (don't really remember how I got this but it just stuck) Nash, Tasha
Height: I like to say I'm 5'6 but in reality I'm like 5'3-5'4
Favorite Color: Sky Blue
Home town: I live in good ole Canada eh. Alberta to be precise.
Hobbies: Playing my guitar, listening to SNSD music like 24/7, gaming it up and hanging out with friends
Guilty Pleasures: Sneakers, hats of any sort, hoodies and GorJess Sica.
Pet Peeves:People who use chat speak in real conversation and people who invade my personal space
Fears:BUGS! Espesically spiders and stinging insect like wasps/hornets. Heights and open water are pretty frigtening too
Faveorite Soshi Member:I am proud to say that I am a Gorjess Spazzer. Her icy stare melts me every time.
Nicknames: Narsh (don't really remember how I got this but it just stuck) Nash, Tasha
Height: I like to say I'm 5'6 but in reality I'm like 5'3-5'4
Favorite Color: Sky Blue
Home town: I live in good ole Canada eh. Alberta to be precise.
Hobbies: Playing my guitar, listening to SNSD music like 24/7, gaming it up and hanging out with friends
Guilty Pleasures: Sneakers, hats of any sort, hoodies and GorJess Sica.
Pet Peeves:People who use chat speak in real conversation and people who invade my personal space
Fears:BUGS! Espesically spiders and stinging insect like wasps/hornets. Heights and open water are pretty frigtening too
Faveorite Soshi Member:I am proud to say that I am a Gorjess Spazzer. Her icy stare melts me every time.
Community Stats
- Group Rookies
- Active Posts 12
- Profile Views 2461
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday December 11, 1992
Canada Eh
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Canada (CA)
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