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Member Since 18 Nov 2009
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#2807843 [FAN ACCNT] A Samchon Fan's Account, (Part 3)

Posted by Auratus on 15 August 2010 - 12:28 AM

I'd be utterly jealous, but reading this account is a strange sort of vindication for me. I've watched pretty much every Fany (and SNSD) video, delving, studying, searching for the magic that would explain the reality. I've made some guesses along the way, picking up on the hints that have been left behind. I think my understanding of Tiffany could only be deepened and verified by meeting her, but what I have now, the picture of who she is is fairly accurate. She IS ill suited to the rough and tumble of fame and idolhood, but we who understand her are enriched in a way that is rare in this normally jaded, bitter and calculating world. She's real. She's special and we are lucky to have known a little bit about her.
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