Member Since 25 Oct 2009Offline Last Active Aug 05 2012 02:27 AM
Everyone,,,Pls pray for our SooYoung!!! Get well soon, NuNa...
Updated 01 Sep · 0 comments
About Me
안녕! I'm King...You guys might be curious about my name but whatever; just remember it.
- I actually was born in 1994
- I graduated ADE course at ELT Institute. I can of course speak Khmer ,which is my native language, and English, Korean 한국어, Chinese中文 as 2nd 3rd 4th languages.
- I'm a hard-working person but pessimistic sometime...
- I like Kpop, ready to staying tune on every kpop issue(but never 4got the studying stuff) I name myself'S♥Ne(소원)' because I totally love SNSD(especially Yonna).That's y m here to express and spread my SNSD Love...
- I like snsd music, watching T.V, reading book, PS2 game, exploring on internet for snsd, playing sport (hate soccer)
- My favorite Cities in the world are Seoul, Singapore, and Tokyo...
- Among fast food, I dislike pizza, burger, Saland,but never say No to Fried Chicken, Chicken Bits, fired potatoes,....
- I actually was born in 1994
- I graduated ADE course at ELT Institute. I can of course speak Khmer ,which is my native language, and English, Korean 한국어, Chinese中文 as 2nd 3rd 4th languages.
- I'm a hard-working person but pessimistic sometime...
- I like Kpop, ready to staying tune on every kpop issue(but never 4got the studying stuff) I name myself'S♥Ne(소원)' because I totally love SNSD(especially Yonna).That's y m here to express and spread my SNSD Love...
- I like snsd music, watching T.V, reading book, PS2 game, exploring on internet for snsd, playing sport (hate soccer)
- My favorite Cities in the world are Seoul, Singapore, and Tokyo...
- Among fast food, I dislike pizza, burger, Saland,but never say No to Fried Chicken, Chicken Bits, fired potatoes,....
Community Stats
- Group Rookies
- Active Posts 6
- Profile Views 1831
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
Not Telling
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