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Member Since 25 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 07 2017 12:27 AM

About Me

The name's Ange..
16 years old..
Favorite SNSD member:(as of now) Tiffany
How did I become a fan of snsd?: I became a fan after watching their genie music video in star world. tiffany caught my eye and until now i'm still hooked.
How long have I been a fan?: 6 months.
What do you love most about each of the members?
Taeyeon: I adore her voice and she's a very responsible leader.
Jessica: Her voice and her cold-like appearance especially her warm personality.
Sunny: Her cuteness and random advices to the girls.
Tiffany: Her husky voice, cuteness and down-to-earth personality.
Hyoyeon: Her freshness and charisma and especially her powerful dances.
Yuri: her playfulness and lively personality. her bod? haha.
Sooyoung: her long legs and pranksterness not to mention her being a shikshin.
Yoona; her angel-like appearance and abs. haha.
Seohyun: her innocence and talents. this girl's got everything.

show your love for SNSD!
created today February 5, 2010 at school by moi
A, they're adorkable
B, they're so beautiful
C, they're cuties full of charms, SUNNY!
D, SOOYOUNG's dorky and
E, they're exciting and
F, there's a FANY in my heart
G, they look good to me
H, they're so HYOvenly
I, they're the one I idolize
K, I admire KKABYUL
L, 9 is love in my eyes
M,N,O,P, I could go spazz all day
Q,R,S,T, honestly speaking I'm amazed
YOON make my life complete
V, SEOHYUN's very sweet
It's fun to sing, TAENGOO, this alphabet with you, to tell you I LOVE SOSHI!

Community Stats

  • Group Soshified
  • Active Posts 443
  • Profile Views 5520
  • Member Title SONE<3
  • Age 30 years old
  • Birthday January 23, 1994
  • Gender
    Female Female
  • Location
    JeTi's Closets
  • Interests
    Supporting SNSD, Loving SNSD, Loving SSF, Being SoShified 24/7, Listening to SNSD songs

    Basically anything related to loving SNSD. :)
  • Favorite SoShi Member
  • Proud citizen of
    Philippines (PH)

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